Friday, October 31, 2014

#Extra Patrols #DUI Nov 2 from your #Ca. #DefenseAttorney #DeadliestNightsOfTheYR

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:


California’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is ramping up its statewide efforts to reduce the number of minors injured or killed in crashes or incidents involving alcohol this Halloween.

Extra DUI deputies/officers and staffing for Checkpoints on Halloween Night to supplement routine patrol officers on one of the MOST DEADLY NIGHTS OF THE YEAR.

Sunday, November 2, 2014
Lakewood 12noon - 8pm extra patrols
Silver Lake 12noon - 8pm extra patrols
Los Feliz 12noon - 8pm extra patrols
Echo Park 12 noon - 8pm extra patrols
Eagle Rock 12 noon - 8pm extra patrols
Highland Park 12 noon - 8pm extra patrols
Northeast Area 12 noon - 8pm extra patrols

Our offices are open this weekend in case you got into trouble last night. Give us a call at 310-273-9600.

Halloween DUI Arrest? Act Immediately 
                                           by Calling a DUI ATTORNEY

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October 31, 2014
San Diego State University 9pm - 3am  5100 block of College Avenue and Hardy Ave
Los Angeles, Koreatown 8pm - 2am Vermont and 5th Ave.
Inland Empire
Desert Hot Springs

Saturday, November 1, 2014
El Monte 7:30pm - 3:30am
Los Angeles Olympic Blvd and Blaine St near Staples Center
Lakewood 6pm - 2am
Los Anfgeles Irwindale Ramona Blvd and 605 Fey

Friday, October 24, 2014

#Checkpoints for October 24 - 25, 2014 from your #DefenseAttorney #DUI #DRUGS

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

DUI Checkpoints for October 24 - 25, 2014 from your Defense Attorney

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Arleta 5pm - 1am
Mission Hills 5pm - 1am
Modesto 9:30pm - 3:30am
North Hills 5pm - 1am
North Hollywood (Koreatown) Victory Blvd and Bellaire Ave 8pm - 2am
Panorama City 5pm - 1am
Sylmar 5pm - 1am

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday October 24, 2014
Anaheim at 1800 block of W. Ball Rd Escondido ?pm - ?am
Anahiem at Ball Rd and Nutwood St
Burlingame 6pm - 2am
Inland Empire, Ontario at State St and Oaks Ave
Inland Empire at Monreno Valley at Perry Blvd and Iris Ave
Koreatown Western Ave and Eighth St 8pm - 1am
Modesto 8:30pm - 3:30am
Moreno Valley 8pm - 2am
North Hills  Sepulveda Blvd and Parthenia St 8pm - 2am
San Deigo, Escondido, Valley Pkwy and Juniper St
San Bernardino, Southeast District 9th and Waterman Dr. 6pm - 2am
San Maria 6pm - 3am

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The DMV Adminstrative Hearing....What You Need to Know Following a #DUI Arrest!

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

The official California DMV website offers a history of laws pertaining to California DMV APS license suspension. This information is accessible via the following link:

In 1990, a new law was enacted allowing driver's licenses of people accused of driving under the influence to be suspended in a shorter amount of time. Prior to 1990, the DMV was forced to wait until one was found guilty in a Court of law and a summary of the Court's findings was delivered to the DMV.

Currently, in the State of California, if you are accused by law enforcement of driving under the influence, you are issued a DMV Form DS-367. This pink form details your requirement to contact the DMV within ten calendar days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing to determine whether or not your license will be suspended. It is vital to note this is ten calendar days and not ten business days .

Your failure to request an APS hearing within ten days of your blood test submission means your license will, in all likelihood, be suspended 30 days after your arrest, even if there has not been a completion of the blood analysis. Neglecting to request an APS hearing can result in you suffering a suspended license without the ability to contest it in an administrative hearing.

Retaining your ability to operate a vehicle should be important to you, and having an administrative hearing to contest your driver's license suspension should be given equal importance. Scheduling an APS hearing will typically extend your privilege to operate a motor vehicle in California until after the DMV Hearing Officer makes a decision after the hearing. This can actually take up to a few weeks after your administrative matter is heard. The DMV does make an attempt to expedite hearings, but often these hearings are scheduled out beyond 30 days.

The APS administrative hearing process is viewed as top-priority in our office. We seek to protect your right to operate a motor vehicle until your case is finalized. Also, it provides us with the data we need to construct a defense for your criminal case. We must determine if law enforcement had probable cause to believe you were driving while intoxicated at the time of your arrest. We also need to know the blood alcohol level. The blood alcohol levels that will automatically mandate suspension if you driving suspension is not contested are .08 for drivers of non-commercial vehicles, .04 for drivers of commercial vehicles and .01 for all drivers under 21.

Granted, there are other technical arguments which may be beneficial to your case. These are uncommon and will be discussed if applicable. Also, there are situations warranting our recommendation to not request an APS hearing. Reasons for this are specific to individual cases and are not the norm.

Your APS hearing can become increasingly important when you have an aggravated situation concerning your arrest. Some of the complications can include being under age 21, driving a commercial vehicle when arrested, chemical test refusal and having prior DUI convictions.

DUI DMV suspension precedents are broad, making it imperative you contact qualified professionals dedicated to facilitating the most favorable outcome. Further questions about the law and how it relates you your case are answered when you complete the contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin for a free consultation.

Other Useful Information....

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.


Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Monday, October 20, 2014

Increased Efforts for #DRUG and #DUI Arrests

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

The city of Los Angeles is not the only place where cops and prosecutors are gunning for drivers allegedly under the influence of drugs.

L.A.'s program to take mouth swabs of DUI suspects during traffic stops is aimed squarely at medical marijuana users, and other jurisdictions want on that bandwagon.

Riverside County revealed that nearly a half million dollars in state funding will provide two new prosecutors who will dedicate all their time to busting medicinal users and others who allegedly get behind the wheel in altered states. The office says the cash will last through late summer.

The D.A.'s people say in a press release that it's part of an effort to "combat recent increases in drug-impaired driving." Those increases have largely involved marijuana, although prescription abusers are also a burgeoning problem, authorities claim.

Winning a case against a driver who was allegedly under the influence of cannabis is a much tougher prospect than batting an allegedly boozed-up motorist, though.

While juries don't like drunk drivers, the science on marijuana, its effects on drivers, and the amount you can safely have in your system is still pretty much up in the air.

In fact, there's no state limit on THC blood levels for drivers. There's no equivalent to the drunk driving limit of a .08 blood-alcohol level.

For that reason, medical advocates have long been frightened of efforts like this one. They've argued that, because THC can stay in your system for weeks, a medical user who drove days after medicating could still end up in court under these crackdowns -- wrongly so.

What's scary about Riverside County's campaign is that prosecutors are clearly gung-ho about busting medical users, even as the state's legal guidelines are blurry at best.

A press release says the local assistant D.A.s have successfully prosecuted nearly 300 cases of drug-involved DUI within the last year or so.

The D.A.'s are getting special training on how to win more cases despite a clear lack of science and legislation. It's all about persuading a jury that a medical user can be a dangerous driver.


Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October 17, 2014

#Checkpoints #DUI in CA. for Sat. Oct 18th from Your #DefenseAttorney PLUS INFO

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Updated throughout the Weekend, so check back often!

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Echo Park area/Los Angeles 8pm - 2am Sunset Blvd and Coronado Street
Might be at: Biena Park  at Beach Blvd and LaPalma Ave

#Halloween #DUI #Arrest? Act Immediately by Calling a #DUILawyer Read mpre here:

When you need a lawyer to represent you after a Halloween or any type of DUI arrest, contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin to schedule your free consultation. We represent our clients aggressively and effectively as we diligently work to obtain the best possible resolution of their matter.

You Decided to #Drink and not #Drive? #Surprising Ways You Can Get a #DUI Without Driving
How to #Avoid Being #Raped by a #FakeCop - Their on the Rise Read more here:

How Many #Alcoholic Beverages Can You #Drink before Your Driving is Affected? #DUI  Read more here:

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October, 17, 2014
Hollywood, 8pm - 2am at Hollywood Blvd and Bronson Ave. (Heart of Clubland)
Los Feliz/Los Angeles 8pm - 2am at Sunset Blvd. and Fountain Ave.
Santa Ana  9pm - 3am 900 E 1st Street
South Los Angeles ?pm - ?am at Watts area
South Los Angeles 7pm to 1am at Vermont Ave and 108th Street
South Los Angeles 8pm - 2am at Manchester Ave. and Main Street
Stockton ?pm - ?am

You Decided to #Drink and not #Drive? #Surprising Ways You Can Get a #DUI Without Driving

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

You probably think the legal term “driving under the influence” only applies to drivers who are drunk or drugged and operate a motor vehicle. Your are partially correct. In a sense. you are wrong, as well. A driving under the influence charge, or DUI, is not limited to the typical motor vehicles that you are probably thinking of like trucks and cars. In fact, California law enforcement can arrest you for driving other vehicles. It does not matter if that “vehicle” is what usually qualifies as vehicle.

What would happen if you decided you had too many alcoholic beverages and drove a tricycle home instead? The police officer would probably snicker as he or she watched you ride along on the tricycle, right? Well, that is not what happened to an Oregon man. According to news reports, police there arrested him for driving an adult-sized tricycle while under the influence of alcohol.

Prior to the arrest, police stopped the man and issued him a warning. Later, an officer noticed the man riding his tricycle on the wrong side of the road. That is when he was arrested for DUI.

Another surprising way to get a DUI without driving a vehicle is operating a buggy. According to a news report, police arrested a man for operating an Amish buggy while under the influence of alcohol. The police stopped the buggy when they saw a man had allegedly committed a traffic violation. The buggy did not have any visible lights on it. Later, the police discovered that the man had drank 12 beers while attending a carnival.

You may be thinking it’s conceivable that those two “vehicles” would qualify as a vehicle. What about a wheelchair? In Illinois, police can arrest you for operating a motorized while chair while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to news reports, law enforcement arrested a man for driving his motorized wheelchair to the store. He was allegedly driving under the influence at the time. He spent one night in jail before officers determined that the wheelchair was not actually a vehicle. They voided the ticket.

Many states do consider motorized scooters vehicles. It is part of the law. For instance, one man was arrested in North Carolina after he was operating a 50-pound electric scooter while under the influence. According to reports, the man was swerving at the time he was stopped. Sobriety tests revealed that his blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, was 0.13 percent. This was over the legal limit. Later, a jury found the man guilty of DUI. Keep in mind that North Carolina allows individuals to operate lawn mowers and horses while under the influence of alcohol.

If you are charged with DUI in Los Angeles County, contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin to schedule your free consultation. We are experienced in fighting all types of DUI charges.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Thursday, October 16, 2014

#Halloween #DUI #Arrest? Act Immediately by Calling a #DUILawyer

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

A Halloween arrest is definitely not a treat. You may feel like others who have been stopped and arrested for DUI on Halloween, that it is just a trick. However, a Halloween DUI arrest is a harsh reality with even harsher consequences.

In Los Angeles County, police are on the lookout for adults partying during the numerous Halloween events. You may even notice an increase in police patrols and sobriety checkpoints in an effort to catch people driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Increased patrols and DUI checkpoints can yield exciting results for police like DUI arrests, traffic citations and impounding vehicles. Whether you are stopped while driving or at a DUI checkpoint, it vital that you are aware of your legal options and rights. This is especially true if you are arrested on suspicion of DUI. A DUI conviction may result in a loss of driving privileges, jail and fines.

Halloween DUI? Talk to an Attorney as Soon as Possible

When you are facing a DUI arrest on Halloween or at any time, it is essential that you act immediately. Contact a DUI lawyer. Also during your consultation, review all your legal options with your lawyer. For instance, you have 10 days from the day of your arrest to contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV. You have to schedule a hearing to retain your driving privileges until the matter is decided by the hearing officer. Otherwise your license will be suspended in thirty days from the date of your arrest.

Make Sure Your DUI Attorney is Working in Your Best Interest

Do not leave your future and reputation in the hands of anyone not working in your best interest. Your attorney should not guarantee victory or dropped charges. He or she should not be ready to take the first plea deal offered. Instead, your attorney should look at the facts like your chemical test, arrest and field sobriety tests and determine the best defenses to use.

At the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin, we know that drunk driving arrests increase during official and unofficial holidays. We are also familiar with the mistakes police make while conducting DUI checkpoints. We use that knowledge and our experience to fight for our clients’ rights and interests. Whether it is at the DMV hearing or court, we will fight to protect your future and driving privileges.

When you need a lawyer to represent you after a Halloween or any type of DUI arrest, contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin to schedule your free consultation. We represent our clients aggressively and effectively as we diligently work to obtain the best possible resolution of their matter.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Many #Alcoholic Beverages Can You #Drink before Your Driving is Affected? #DUI

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

You probably already know that your level of alcohol intoxication is determined by the ratio of alcohol to blood in your body. Based on that ratio, California created its blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, limit. Anyone at or above the following limits can be accused of driving under the influence, or DUI, in the state:

0.08 percent for drivers in passenger motor vehicles.
0.04 percent for commercial drivers.

0.00 percent for any driver under the age of 21 years old. This means California has zero tolerance for drivers in this age group drinking and driving.

The Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin wants to stress that it is always better to stop driving after drinking. You should never take into consider whether you are or are not under the BAC limit. This way you can avoid the possibility of being accused of driving under the influence.

Drunk vs. Impaired

The difference between being drunk and being impaired can be confusing. They are separate concepts. For instance, an individual may be under the legal intoxication threshold. However, their ability to drive is impaired. An individual may be drunk, but have the ability to drive without committing a traffic violation like speeding or swerving.

It is also the reason that some people are initially charged with DUI, but later the charge is reduced to wet reckless. A wet reckless charge could mean that your BAC was under the legal limit of 0.08 percent and that you were driving in a way that was reckless. In other words, your ability to drive was impaired.

How to Figure out Intoxication

Everyone is different when it comes to how much he or she can drink before becoming intoxicated. For example, you may be able to drink three alcoholic beverages and not be intoxicated. However, your friend who has a smaller body frame than you may only be able to drink one beer before becoming intoxicated. Law enforcement may not want you to know this, but there is a way to figure out whether you are legally too drunk to drive.

Know your body weight in pounds. You must then compare it to the number of alcoholic drinks you’ve had. One alcoholic drink is equivalent to:

1.5 oz. shot of hard liquor.
12 oz. of beer.
5 oz. glass of wine.

Let’s say you weigh 200 pounds. One alcoholic beverage would put your level of intoxication at .016 percent. This is below the legal limit. However, six alcoholic drinks would put you over the legal limit of 0.097 percent.

Let’s say that your friend weighs 120 pounds. One alcoholic beverage would put her level of intoxication at 0.027 percent. Three drinks would put her level of intoxication at 0.081 percent. This is over the legal limit to drive in California.

To understand more about how the number of alcoholic beverages impairs your driving, contact the Law of Offices of Jonathan Franklin. In addition, if you are facing any type of DUI or criminal charge, contact us. We will discuss your case and how to effectively fight it.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Saturday, October 11, 2014

How to #Avoid Being #Raped by a #FakeCop - On The Rise

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Unfortunately, being hassled or, worse, sexually assaulted by a fake cop happens often enough that the Corona Police Department is giving citizens tips on how to protect themselves from this scourge.

The department is responding to the latest case, which happened sometime last month: A woman says she was pulled over and assaulted by a 6 foot, 1 inch 30-something man who was in a dark vehicle with a red spotlight.

According to police, ...

 ... the attack by a man in a uniform, but without clear police markings, happened about 2:30 a.m. on Railroad Avenue near Sheridan Street in Corona:

The suspect directed the female to drive a short distance to a dark street where he forcibly assaulted her inside his vehicle.

Fox 11 News reported that another area witness reported seeing a similar police impersonator in a blue, patrol-style vehicle Sept. 7.

According to a Corona police statement, here's what you can to protect yourselves from creeps like this:

•    Check if the police officer is in a marked police vehicle.
•    See if the officer is in uniform. If the officer is not in uniform, request a uniformed officer.
•    Remember, that if you really doubt the identity of someone trying to pull you over, you should proceed to a well-let, busy place such as a gas station, fast food place, convenience store, or police station. While doing so, turn on your four way flashers to notify the officer that you are aware he or she is trying to pull you over.
•    Check if they have a badge.
•    Ask for identification. Police carry identification clearly identifying them and their agency.
•    Call 911 if you believe it’s a fake.

Nothing's foolproof when it comes to safety, but this is a start.

Oh, and if you think you might know who that suspect with a "large build" is, detectives want to hear from you: 951-279-3623.

Source.... LaWeekly

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

New Style #ParkingSigns Could Coming to #LA

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Figuring out when, exactly, you can rest your SUV at the curb by reading the city's complicated parking signs is at least a brain twister. You can park for one hour during this time frame but there's no parking on certain days. You can park at night—if you have a permit. Or not. You know the drill.

Here's an idea: Let's create parking signs that you can quickly read and comprehend. L.A. city Councilman Paul Krekorian is on it.

He recently proposed that the Department of Transportation post easier-to-read "grid-styled" signs as part of a pilot program.

This week the city's Transportation Committee agreed to consider multiple sign concepts, Krekorian's office said. It's tasked with producing a report on what concepts might work, and where the signs might be initially posted, within 45 days.

The design " features a grid-styled sign which graphically represents parking restrictions by denoting free times in green and unavailable times in red, while also indicating the 12-hour parking cycle by time and day," his motion says.

As it is, Krekorian states, "parking signs can become almost impossible to decipher" in Los Angeles. His office says as many as a half-dozen "overlapping" signs can be found in communities like downtown and Hollywood.

Krekorian told us this:
Everyone who drives in this city has had to deal with deciphering our confusing and complex parking signs. I don't want parking to be a guessing game where people worry about getting ticketed because they can't easily tell what the restrictions are and when they are in effect. You shouldn't need the Rosetta Stone to park in Los Angeles. My motion proposes that the city create new, grid-style parking signs that provide more useful information that is both simple and obvious to everyone.

If the City Council approves the pilot program you could see the signs in a limited number of areas as soon as winter.

We have a prediction: People will love these signs. Let's do this.


Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October 10, 2014

#Checkpoints Tonight for Sunday October 12, 2014 #DUI #Drugs from Your #DefenseAttorney

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Page will be updated throughout the weekend, 
so check back often.

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Foothill Area 5pm - 1am
Harbor Gateway Area 12pm - 8pm
Pacoima 5pm - 1am
San Pedro 12pm - 8pm
Sun Valley 5pm - 1am
Wilmington 12pm - 8pm

Friday October 17, 2014
South LA  Watts area ?pm - ?am

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October 10, 2014
Canoga Park 8pm - 2am , Sherman Way and  Owensmouth
Central Area 4pm - 12am
Hollenbeck Area 4pm - 12am
Los Angeles at 77th St, 5pm - 1am
Modesto 9:30pm - 3:30am
North Hollywood 8pm - 2am Victory Blvd. and Bellaire Ave

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Canoga Park at Sherman Way and Owensmouth Ave. 8pm - 2am
Modesto 8:30pm - 3:30am

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What’s the Next Big Thing Law Enforcement is using to find #Drunk #Drivers? Lasers #DUI

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Will laser technology be the next big advancement in technology used during driving under the influence investigations? Well, the question has been greatly debated since the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing article. The article titled Stand-off Detection of Alcohol in Car Cabins discussed how laser technology could be used to detect alcohol in a vehicle’s cabin. The cabin of a motor vehicle is the area where the driver and passengers sit.

In the article, researchers at the Military University of Technology’s Institute of Optoelectronics in Warsaw, Poland used this latest technology to detect the presence of alcohol vapors in vehicles. The laser device was created using what’s called a “stand-off” method used to identify harmful substances at a distance like explosives and hazardous materials. The only difference was that, in this particular study, the device was used to detect alcohol in the air, not harmful substances.

Does the Laser Technology Work?

To test the laser device, researchers filled a motor vehicle’s cabin with the amount of alcohol vapor equal to the blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, of 0.10 percent. The researchers then shot the device’s laser through the cabin area. It reflected of a mirror located on the cabin’s opposite side before it traveled back throughout the vehicle.

Researchers could then measure the reflected light to find out how much of the original laser beam had been absorbed by alcohol vapors. The original laser beam absorption gave the researchers the ability to determined alcohol content in the vehicle.

The laser device does not work like the handheld laser police use to detect speeding. Instead, the device sits on the side of the road and monitors traffic as it passes. If the device detects alcohol vapors in a motor vehicle, it sends an alert a police officer waiting some distance away from the device.

After receiving the information, the officer would pull over the driver and then attempt to determine whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The officer would do this relying on the traditional DUI testing methods. The idea seems doable because of the intense focus on preventing drunk driving. However, there are two questions that are raised:

How accurate is the DUI laser technology?
What about driver’s rights?

Potential Problems with the New Laser DUI Technology

Yes, there are potential problems with the new laser technology like the following:

*The device cannot distinguish whether the driver or passenger emitted the alcohol vapors.

*It cannot distinguish if the alcohol vapors are emitted from a source of alcohol like a spilled drink.

*There are counter-measures people can do to lower blood alcohol vapors like turning on the air conditioner or lowering the windows. The device does not take those things into consideration.

*It may be Unconstitutional to beam a laser into your vehicle. In California, an officer must have probable cause to stop a driver. In other words, an individual must be driving erratically or commit a traffic violation like speeding or having a broken taillight. After the stop, an officer must establish probable cause to make a DUI arrest after conducting a DUI investigation. This typically includes making direct observations of the driver and his or her performance on field sobriety tests.

The Constitutionality of the device may be ultimately decided by U.S. Supreme Court if the device is used in the U.S. However, it is highly unlikely that devices like this would be allowed because of the potential it has to infringe on a driver’s legal rights.

Want to learn more about fighting a DUI or driving under the influence charges? Contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin. We are committed to representing drivers across Los Angeles County who are arrested for a felony or misdemeanor DUI charges.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What To Do—and Not Do—at a #DUI Traffic Stop

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

What you do and do not do at a traffic stop can make a positive difference during a potential DUI arrest. Remember what you say and do may have a strong impact in two ways:

•Whether you are actually arrested for DUI

•How much evidence police and prosecutors can use against you if there are formal charges ultimately filed against you.

What to Do During a DUI Traffic Stop:

Know that the police officers are closely watching you. If you are stopped on suspicion of driving drunk, remember that you are under being observed. The police officer is watching and listening to everything you say. What you say and do may be used to establish probable cause for an arrest. Police are searching for:

•Slurred speech.

•Bloodshot eyes.

•Affirmative answers to whether you were drinking.

•Fumbling around for your registration information or license.

You should always keep your speech clear and movements intentional. Always remember that you are under close police observation.

Request that the traffic stop be recorded

It is often beneficial to have the DUI stop, investigation and arrest recorded. Recorded evidence decreases the chance that the judge or jury has to decide based on witness testimony alone who they believe more: police or defendant. Besides, video and audio recordings may show botched police procedures like inaccurate field sobriety test instruction and administration. It could also show that you were not acting a way a drunk driver would.

Cooperate with police

Any time you are aggressive and/or rude with police, you increase your risk of getting arrested. Thus, be polite and always cooperate.

Agree to the chemical test request

In California, it is the law that you undergo a blood or breath test after a DUI. You can refuse. However, you face harsh penalties like a suspended licenses if you do refuse.

What Not to Do During a DUI Traffic Stop

Do not take field sobriety tests

FSTs are different from a chemical test. You are not legally required to agree to these tests. So you will not face any harsh consequences.

You do not have to answer certain questions if you choose

After you are stopped, an officer will typically ask you about how much you had to drink. If you answer these questions, you may be giving police more evidence against you. You can politely decline to answer. After all, you do have the right to remain silent with respect to questions that may be used to elicit responses that can ultimately incriminate you.

You do not have to take a portable breath test

In some situations, an officer may ask you to take a roadside breath test via a portable breath testing device. This device is called the PAS test in California. You do not have to agree to take this test if you choose not to. Instead, you can politely decline and tell the officer you’d rather submit to the required breath or blood test without providing a sample to the handheld PAS test. Chemical breath tests are typically conducted at the police station while blood draws can be done at the station or local hospital.

Do not let police search you
If the police arrest you, you may have no choice but to submit to a search. Otherwise, you do not have to agree to let police search you or your belongings during a traffic stop prior to an arrest.

You should also remember that every case is different. The decisions that are right for you in your DUI case may not be the right decision in someone else’s DUI case. However, every DUI traffic stop has many things in common. That is why the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin provides basic dos and don’ts with respect to driving under the influence investigations. We want to help you make the best informed choices before, during and after your DUI traffic stop and arrest.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Monday, October 6, 2014

Can You be Charged with #Murder for Causing a Fatal #DUI #Accident?

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Can what happened to a Southern California man in July 2014 happen to you? It may seem extreme but there are certain instances where you can be accused of causing a drunk driving accident and face murder charges too.

One DUI and Murder Case

The 25-year old Southern California man was convicted of second degree murder and other criminal charges for the deaths of two Caltrans employees. The conviction was a result of a 2012 car accident that occurred in a construction zone in Torrance, California.

The car crash happened on July 22, 2012 during the morning hours. According to state prosecutors, the man was driving a Ford Explorer approximately 90 miles in that construction zone when he lost control. His SUV struck another SUV. The second vehicle spun out of control before it struck two Caltrans employees. The third worker was hit, but the injuries were minor.

Prosecutors claimed that the man’s blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, level was 0.21 percent at the time the accident happened. He was sentence to a minimum of 34 years in prison. His maximum punishment is life in prison.  

Implied Malice and Murder

In cases where a death happens during a traffic accident, a driver is at risk of being charged with vehicular manslaughter. Vehicular manslaughter is a serious charge, but it is less serious than murder. The charge is defined as an act that was not done intentionally, but involved illegal or reckless behavior.

However, there were two factors working against this defendant that could work against anyone in the same position. First, this was not his first DUI conviction. Any prior DUI convictions, more specifically a DUI that causes injury or a similar serious offense, increases the severity of the current charge that a defendant faces.

It seems like a prior conviction should not increase or have a huge impact on any current charges, but it does. The reason for this is a landmark case called the People v. Watson 30 Cal. 3rd 290 in 1981. In that case, the court decided that implied malice can apply in fatal DUI cases. Implied malice supports a second degree murder charge because of the person's intent involved.

Therefore, implied malice will be used to prove the intent element for murder just like gross negligence does for vehicular manslaughter.

Implied Intent vs. Gross Negligence

Implied intent and gross negligence are difficult to distinguish. Basically, the prosecution has a duty to prove a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, the prosecutor must prove that the defendant acted with implied malice to prove second degree murder in fatal DUI accident.

Gross negligence is defined as acting in a way that can cause someone’s death or serious bodily injury. It is essentially negligence because the individual knows (or should know) that his or her actions could cause this level of harm. Implied malice is one step above gross negligence. Why? Anyone who drinks and drives should have the knowledge that this action can cause serious bodily harm or death. Yet, the individual drives under the influence.

California Penal Code 187

The other factor working against the man convicted of second degree murder is California Penal Code 187. This statute defines murder as an unlawful killing of a human being or fetus with malice. This statute includes both expressed and implied malice.

Unfortunately, this man found out the hard way that a DUI may result in a murder conviction. If you are accused of DUI or DUI causing a fatal accident contact he Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin immediately. You need to protect your rights and future in your efforts to avoid more serious charges like murder.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday, October 3, 2014

#Checkpoints for CA. October 4 - 17, 2014 from Your LA Defense Attorney #DUI

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

This Page will be Updated throughout the Weekend, so Check Back Often!

Saturday October 4, 2014
Elsinore-Wildomar ?pm - ?am
Los Angeles at Sunset Blvd. and Orange Grove Ave.  7pm - 1am

Friday October 17, 2014
South LA  Watts area ?pm - ?am

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600

Friday October 3, 2014
Fairfield 7pm - 12:30am
Southgate at Firestone Blvd and Atlantic Ave.
Vacaville (within city limits) 6pm - ?am

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I Do Not Want to Go Through a Sobriety #Checkpoint. What If I Avoid It?

Newsflash from your Hollywood Attorney:

Majority of Californians have encountered sobriety checkpoints, or DUI checkpoints, while driving. Sobriety checkpoints is an effort to decrease drunk driving. Law enforcement officials generally conduct checkpoints and increase patrols of holidays like the Fourth of July or Labor Day. So what happens when you approach a sobriety checkpoint and choose to drive in another direction to avoid it?

Well, avoiding a sobriety checkpoint is not against the law. A police officer cannot stop you because you had chosen to turn around and drive away from the DUI checkpoint. There is possibly a catch. Before discussing how you could be stopped for leaving a DUI checkpoint, let’s discus these checkpoints and reasons for them.

For a sobriety checkpoint to be Constitutional, the following must be present:

•Police have to let the public know about the checkpoints in advance.

•The checkpoints cannot be hidden. They must be visible to any oncoming motorist.

•Drivers are stopped using a mathematical formula, not at police discretion.

•The checkpoints must be set up in a location that is reasonable. For instance, they must be in an area that will yield results.

•All checkpoints must be safe for police and drivers. They also must have proper signage and lighting.

•Drivers must be stopped for only a necessary timeframe.

The court also decided in Ingersoll v. Palmer the following:

A sign must be erected to let drivers know about the checkpoint in well in advance of the checkpoint location. This gives drivers the opportunity to turn leave before entering the checkpoint. Most importantly, no driver can be stopped for choosing to avoid the checkpoint.

The “Catch” About Avoiding a Checkpoint

You see a sign posted announcing a DUI checkpoint is ahead. You choose to drive away or around the checkpoint to avoid being stopped. It is your legal option. However, there are many officers sitting in patrol vehicles watching drivers at checkpoints. Their job during that time is to watch for and observe drivers who turn away from the checkpoints.

For example, you are driving away from the checkpoint and the officer sees you. He or she can follow you and even pull you over if you commit a traffic violation like driving erratically. The officer cannot stop you for avoiding a checkpoint.

Approaching a Sobriety Checkpoint

You can decide to avoid the checkpoint. Make sure you do not give police a reason to stop you such as:

•Making an illegal U-turn.


•Weaving in and out of lanes.

•Having a broken taillight.

•Driving in an unsafe manner.

•Running a red light.

If you decide to drive away from a sobriety checkpoint and you are then stopped by an officer, remain calm. He or she may not have probable cause to stop you if you didn’t commit a traffic violation. If the stop results in a DUI arrest and it may give your defense lawyer evidence to use to challenge your arrest and DUI charges.

Are you searching for more information about sobriety checkpoints and your Constitutional rights to challenge the DUI charge in California? Now is the time to contact the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin. Defense attorney Jonathan Franklin and his team is experienced, aggressive and ready to fight for drivers’ rights who are charged with DUI. It does not matter if it is your first DUI or not. We also represent drivers who are charged with vehicular manslaughter and DUI causing injury. Contact us today.

Stay Safe Out There - If You Need Help just Give Me a Call!

To schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you, contact Beverly Hills DUI Attorney Jonathan Franklin today.

Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin
Open Evenings and Weekends this Summer
Call Us Now (310) 273-9600